News and events from Coreplan:

A new mindset in Norwegian coastal zone planning
Our coastal areas are used by many, often with conflicting interests. A new management mindset can help to…

Final Coreplan seminar
To sum up the results from the project, we welcome all interested to our final seminar. When: 30th…

Workshops gave useful information
This October, Coreplan arranged workshops in the counties Troms and Hordaland. The participants were employees in municipalities, counties,…

Marine scientists learned about coastal governance
The coordinator of Coreplan, Ann-Magnhild Solås, recently took part in the Research Council of Norway’s conference on marine…

Coreplan scientists receiving useful input
For three days this May, Coreplan scientists have been gathered to discuss results and findings, visit a fishing…

Differing practices in Chile, the UK and Norway
These three countries use the ecosystem services approach very differently. This became apparent when Coreplan hosted an expert…

Workshop in Canada
Several Coreplan researchers took part when AquaLog, the Nordic network project investigating controversies associated with the aquaculture industry…

Hunting for the planners’ facts
Coastal planners in Norway and in Canada have recently been visited by social scientists. The objective of the…

Panel at Mare conference 2017
Panel at Mare conference 2017 Coreplan has been accepted to host a panel at the Mare conference in…

Interview round in Lenvik
Coreplan researchers have visited Finnsnes to interview key persons working on the inter-municipal coastal zone plan in Southern…

Many paths to the goal
Researchers from five different research projects on ecosystem services met on 26 January to learn from one another.…

How to manage people, coral and sea snakes
Coreplan Researcher Jahn Petter Johnson visited the Great Barrier Reef to study the administration of this vast protected…

The coast: What values are to be found – and how do we take care of them?
Many of the benefits that people get from nature are priceless. Others represent large monetary values. How do…

We are underway!
Participants from the partner institutes met at Nofima in Tromso to start working with the Coreplan project. On…