Panel at Mare conference 2017

Panel at Mare conference 2017
Coreplan has been accepted to host a panel at the Mare conference in Amsterdam 5.-7. of July 2017.
The panel session is called «Ecosystem services in coastal zone planning», and will be part of the conference stream «Maritime governance».
The session will address the ecosystem services (ES) concept, which has become increasingly significant for multidisciplinary research in the field of ecological change and environmental governance. The panel invites to a discussion of whether and how an ES approach to valuing and weighing the various interests in the coastal zone can answer to challenges related to coastal governance. In particular, the panel question the applicability of ES based governance in local settings where knowledge is contested and interests are conflicting.
Ingrid Kvalvik, Bente Sundsvold and Ann-Magnhild Solås will lead the panel.
About ecosystem services:
About the conference: The 9th People and the Sea conference will explore the nature of maritime mobilities and the ways climate and environmental change, economic development and maritime activities are affecting their direction and volume.